This painting titled “All Together” is part of an underwater series in which I’m exploring depth, movement, and light. The painting was chosen for the show Art Comes Alive 2021 with the gallery ADC Fine Arts. I was thrilled that my sister Mari Beth came into town from California and we could be together and attend the opening. The show ends on January 7th.
Last summer, Gov. Andy Beshear and First Lady Britainy Beshear invited Kentuckians to lend their artistic talents to a new Team Kentucky Gallery, which will be located in a main hall of the Kentucky State Capitol. My painting “Myriad” was chosen to exhibit, along with others, for a six-month period in the Capitol. In December there was a reception for all the artists and an opportunity to meet the Governor and First Lady. It was an honor to meet them both and see my painting hang in the hall of the Capital. The show just ended on December 31st.