Artists all know about the benefits of creating art; visual acumen, sparks of joy, and emotional awareness. But simply viewing art can also be beneficial.
Art builds awareness. Take some real time to look at art. More than 15 seconds. Art is not exclusive to a museum. Also look at architecture, street art, and your surroundings. Observe and have a direct experience with whatever is in front of you. By really looking you become more aware; alert and present in the space around you.
Art sparks a curious mindset. Your brain is at work looking for color, patterns and shapes that you may or may not connect with; wondering how and why the artist created this piece. There is no right or wrong answer.
Art can evoke an emotional response. I personally believe that a good piece of art has to evoke some type of emotion: calm or anxious, happy or sad.
I recently learned that viewing a beautiful work of art creates the same chemical (dopamine) in the brain as love, according to research conducted by Semir Zeki, Professor of Neuroesthetics at University College London.
I hope this opens up more curious thoughts, ideas and new perspectives. Please share this blog with your friends.
Last September I painted for 8 days on Fire Island. While walking the beach I would study the change in the overlapping waves on the sand and around the shells and pebbles. It made me feel calm and at one with nature. I painted this blog’s painting during that time and it is titled “Transmute”.
I hope this opens up more curious thoughts, ideas and new perspectives. Please share this blog with your friends.